Affordable Therapists

Registered PsychotherapistRegistered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)Psychotherapy InternsADHD Coach
Individual Psychotherapy and Counselling$150.00-$170.00$125.00-$140.00$100.00*
Couples/ Family Psychotherapy$240.00-$265.00$240.00$210.00*
Individual Coaching$110.00-$140.00$100.00$80.00$80.00
Groups$100.00 +HST$60.00 +HST$40.00 +HST$25.00 +HST
ADHD Coaching*$80.00$80.00$80.00
Time-limited Reduced Counselling *$110.00$80.00*
* indicates that the practitioner doesn’t offer that service. Please note that the service rates indicated below are specific to the clinician’s registration with the CRPO and level of experience; this is why several services are local to some and not to others. Street Therapy reserves the right to adjust rates at any time; if and when this occurs, clients will be notified weeks in advance.

Registered Psychotherapists include the services of Hailey Kolpin, Jason Lavery, Sabrina Popernitsch, Sodaba Surush and Maria Bernadette Street.

Registered Psychotherapists Qualifying include the services of Jose Garnica, Gameli Soh, Loic Mulatris, Juliana Snow, Summer Burnett, Jeff Krusky.

ADHD Coach includes Juliana Snow.

No-Cost Indigenous Counselling Services can only be provided to those with an eligible status card.

If you are looking for supervision, consultation and training fees, please click this link, Training & Consulting page.

Introductory Call (Free)

This is a time to interview a therapist, ask questions and learn about their therapy practices. Use this time as an opportunity to confirm your benefits or insurance coverage and discuss what the treatment plan would entail. During this time the therapist will help you with the necessary intake process and future bookings.

Psychiatric Consultation

Clinicians Jay, Sabrina and Bernadette are able to offer psychiatric consultations to clients. Using the platform PMVC, the clinicians are able to provide collaborative care involving a virtual meeting with the client, therapist, and psychiatrist. 

PMVC joint sessions enable your therapist to work collaboratively with you, your primary care physician, and a psychiatrist.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health issues. They differ from other mental health professionals because they can provide clinical diagnoses, suggest medications and monitor them to ensure the patient is feeling their best.

The psychiatrist will only be present via video conferencing. With your consent, the psychiatric consultation will occur in your therapist’s office if you prefer (and conform with your ST provider), while your therapist is present in the room or online with you. 

Why do a PMVC session? This type of session can benefit clients from providing possible options for things such as virtual diagnosis, medication recommendations, among others, all provided within the comfort of the therapy environment.

Individual Psychotherapy

Individual Psychotherapy is typically a longer-term treatment for mental health and related concerns. According to numerous research studies, change occurs when clients participate in at least 8 to 24 sessions. We have some clients who complete a number of sessions to reach therapy goals and others who continue to come for years for mental health check-ins.

Individual therapy, commonly denoted as psychotherapy or counselling, encompasses intimate, one-on-one therapeutic sessions between a therapist and a client. The approach empowers the therapist to customize interventions according to the unique needs, concerns, and objectives of the individual in collaboration with the individual client (Norcross & Lambert, 2018).

Diverse therapeutic modalities, including but not limited to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, and humanistic therapy, are adeptly deployed based on the client’s preferences and the nuanced nature of the issues under consideration (Prochaska & Norcross, 2018). Research underscores the efficacy of individual therapy in fostering personal growth, facilitating self-exploration, and adeptly addressing specific mental health challenges (Lambert, 2013).

References: Norcross, J. C., & Lambert, M. J. (2018). Psychotherapy relationships that work III. Oxford University Press.

Prochaska, J. O., & Norcross, J. C. (2018). Systems of psychotherapy: A transtheoretical analysis. Oxford University Press. Lambert, M. J. (2013). Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change. Wiley.

Family and Couples Therapy

Family and Couple therapy can benefit participants in various stages of their relationships. In family and couples therapy, we seek to look at the problems objectively and externally to help the participants find a common ground from which they can start an honest evaluation and move forward. This service is conducted over several sessions as a family or couple as well as individual members of the family unit.

Clinicians offering couples counselling include Jose (Family Systems), Jay (neurodivergent couples), Sodaba (Gottman Approach), Bernadette (Family Systems, Adlerian, Structural/Strategic Family Therapies).

Family therapy, colloquially termed systemic therapy, is an integrative therapeutic modality that centers on augmenting communication proficiency and mitigating conflicts within a familial framework (Nichols & Schwartz, 2008). Practitioners collaborate with the entire family to comprehend intricate relational dynamics, tackle prevalent issues, and fortify the overall functionality of the family unit (Minuchin & Fishman, 1981). This therapeutic approach operates on the premise that individual struggles frequently exhibit interconnections with family dynamics, and fostering positive changes within the familial context can significantly contribute to individual well-being (McGoldrick et al., 2011).

References: Nichols, M. P., & Schwartz, R. C. (2008). Family therapy: Concepts and methods. Pearson. Minuchin, S., & Fishman, H. C. (1981). Family therapy techniques. Harvard University Press. McGoldrick, M., Carter, B., & Garcia-Preto, N. (2011). The expanding family life cycle: Individual, family, and social perspectives. Pearson.

Low Cost Rates

Street Therapy believes that mental health support should be accessible to all. Without sacrificing mental health programs and therapy quality, we are now able to offer low-cost rates to support clients who are going through hardships and navigating major life transitions. If you do not have insurance coverage and are paying out of pocket, please inquire about the low-cost services.

The low-cost counselling service is made possible with some community partnerships and performed by practicum interns and is subject to supervision. Supervision will require permission to record for review. The number of low-cost sessions is limited to 10 to 12 with a possible extension with a new supervised intern entering practice.

Sliding Scale

We offer a reduced rate or a “sliding scale” to a limited number of existing clients who are experiencing financial difficulty or financial emergencies. You will sign an agreement that the sliding scale option is provided for only a limited number of sessions and has to be discussed directly with your Street Therapist.

Group Services

If you’re considering psychotherapy, several options are available. One of those options is group therapy. Depending on the nature of your problem, group therapy can be an ideal choice for addressing your concerns and making positive changes in your life.

Group therapy constitutes a structured therapeutic approach wherein a compact and diverse assembly of participants convene regularly, guided by a trained therapist, to openly discuss and explore their individual struggles, experiences, and emotions (Yalom & Leszcz, 2005). This collaborative setting encourages members to contribute mutual support, offer constructive feedback, and share insightful perspectives, thereby fostering a secure and nurturing space for personal exploration and holistic growth (Norcross & Goldfried, 2005). Research indicates that group therapy demonstrates efficacy in addressing a diverse array of psychological issues (Burlingame et al., 2016). Furthermore, it serves as a valuable platform for enhancing interpersonal skills among participants (Tasca et al., 2015) and plays a pivotal role in cultivating a profound sense of belonging within the therapeutic community (Lazarus, 1971).


Yalom, I. D., & Leszcz, M. (2005). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (5th ed.). Basic Books. Norcross, J. C., & Goldfried, M. R. (2005). Handbook of psychotherapy integration (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. Burlingame, G. M., McClendon, D. T., & Alonso, J. (2016). Cohesion in group therapy. Psychotherapy, 53(2), 214–224.

Tasca, G. A., Francis, K., Balfour, L., Bissada, H., & Kennedy, S. H. (2015). Group cohesion in cognitive-behavioral group therapy for binge eating disorder. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 65(1), 22–40. Lazarus, A. A. (1971). Behavior therapy and beyond. McGraw-Hill.

Psychoeducational Assessment

Allison Caldwell continues to offer psycho-educational assessments for youths between the ages of 5 and 16 years concerning learning disabilities and developmental disabilities.

A standardized psychoeducational assessment package with Allison includes intake, testing appointments, interviews, and a feedback session. You will also receive a psychological report providing detailed results of the testing and recommendations necessary for the youth’s well-being and educational needs. The comprehensive psycho- educational assessment cost is $2900+ fees. 

Please note that our team of Psychotherapists and Psychotherapy Interns cannot perform diagnosis or psychoeducational assessment. We can, however, provide contact information for external practices who can perform these processes, upon request.

At Street Therapy, for clients age 16+ we can provide mental health screeners and summary reports. Some clients seek summary reports or mental health screeners purely for the purpose of knowledge about themselves and to inform the Psychotherapy process.

For summary reports and mental health screening processes, rates are as follows: 

$125.00 – $170.00 initial session
$450.00 – $600.00 scoring of assessments, report writing
$125.00 – $170.00 feedback session